"Jungle Report," a CGI 3D madcap animated comedy series based on a short format, comprising 26 1.5-minute episodes, and a one-hour TV cartoon movie. The colourful, character-driven family series turns on the adventures of zany jungle animals and an eccentric penguin called Maurice, who pretends to be a tiger.

The one-hour episode follows the band of characters as they travel on an eventful trip from the jungle to the Antarctic ice flow.

The short format and one-hour TV special have been pre-bought by French pubcaster France Televisions' France 3, Italy's RAI, Denmark's DR, Belgium's RTBF and Switzerland's TSR.

Main Characters

- Maurice the Penguin”Tiger”
- Junior the Goldfish “Tiger”
- Miguel the Gorilla
- Gilbert the Monkey
- Fred the Warthog
- Al the Toad
- Bob the Toad