
Le Petit Prince is a 52 x 30 minute animation series, based on the popular book by the famous French aviator, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The book has been translated into more than 220 languages and has sold more than 130 million copies since it was first launched. The principal characters are the Little Prince, the Rose who lives on his planet, the fox who is the Prince;s friend and guide and the Snake who travels from planet to planet causing havoc with his accomplices, the Gloomies. The Prince and the fox travel from planet to planet on his plane correcting the ills brought about by the snake, whilst doing so he writes letters to his beloved Rose explaining his journey and travails. On each planet he meets a new cast of characters unique to the planet.

Main Characters

- Little Prince
- The Rose
- The Fox
- The Snake
- The Gloomies